About us

The Ely Adventure School’s philosophy has three main elements: What we believe is essential for learning, the intentional places we choose to learn in, and what educators can do to support every student’s learning.

For a child (or any person) to learn they must be interested, be able to recognize some control, and be able to reflect. At the Ely Adventure School each child is allowed to follow their own interests, seeking the things that bring them wonder and joy. Our teachers plan and create activities and opportunities for children to take part in, yet understand that children are more than capable of self-driven exploration. It is our belief that children learn better when they have some genuine control over their learning. With this in mind, our teachers allow space for children to make mistakes and have real choices over what activities they participate in. It is not possible to learn without some sort of reflection process. At the Ely Adventure School we understand that everyone reflects on learning experiences differently. Our instructors are committed to helping each child reflect on their experiences in ways that help them learn and grow.

At the Ely Adventure School we choose to play and learn outside for many reasons. There is no other classroom, or learning space that has as many opportunities to discover new and wonderful things as the natural environment. Young children’s brains are constantly making connections about how that world works and we believe there is no better place than outside to promote this learning. Our small peer groups are also intentional aspects of the spaces we teach in. The social interactions between young children are crucial in helping them form the foundation of social skills they will need later in life. 

Lastly, the Ely Adventure School instructors understand that the best way that we can support each child’s learning and growth is by building trust with them. We do this in many ways from taking time to listen to each child, keeping to a similar daily routine, and presenting clear and fair expectations that both staff and children are expected to follow.  

Our mission is to develop confidence and social skills in youth while fostering a lifelong love of learning and fun through outdoor play, community-building, and self-driven exploration.

We are always finding a way to say yes to a child’s creative ideas.”

SunShine Gardner — Educator, Director & Founder

Meet Our Board Members

  • Sal DiVita

  • SunShine Gardner

  • Megan Thiele

  • Jack Duchin

  • Leah Reusch

Start the adventure today.